Kat Baumann


Unofficial Stars Wars Comic

Art and lettering by Kat Baumann, written by Ryan Jacobson

6-page, traditionally-inked fan comic precluding the events of A New Hope, written by Ryan Jacobson and illustrated by Kat Baumann in 2022.

Comics Chain Zine Page

Written/Illustration by Kat Baumann

The Comics Chain is an “exquisite corpse experiment” in which a group of comic artists create a linear story, one page at a time. This project started in mid-2022 and the current finished pages were released as a zine in November 2022. Page 16, featured here, was written, drawn and lettered by Kat Baumann.

Blind Spot

Illustrated by Kat Baumann, written by Jill Meyer

This short comic was written by Jill Meyer and illustrated by Kat Baumann. It follows the brief adventure of two mercenaries as they accompany a young nobleman to his ancestral treasure hoard. This story is based loosely on Jill's and my D&D characters, and is included in the anthology Advanced Death Saves edited by Josh Trujillo in 2018.

Broken Plastic Horses

Written/Illustrated by Kat Baumann

Broken Plastic Horses is a short auto-bio comic about my experiences in the year 2016 with toxic family culture exacerbated by far-right politics, the near loss of a loving but abusive parent, and finding how to unlearn the prejudices surrounding my Evangelical midwest upbringing.

The Love Remains

Illustrated by Kat Baumann, written by Frankee White

The Love Remains is a short comic about a couple traversing a world ravaged by climate change and societal collapse, and how they find warmth and love even in the midst of stagnant tragedy.